Sunday, January 15, 2012

Red Beans and Rice

Our family has a new year's resolution to cut out all foods with MSG, high fructose corn syrup, and hydrogenated oils.  So that leaves us with more healthy foods to eat.  This is good, but it can be a bit challenging to decide what to eat.  It is a good thing to eat complete proteins at least once a day.  Meat is a complete protein, but we have also decided to cut down on our meat consumption.  So that leaves us cooking vegetarian most nights.  Beans and rice is good and combined they make a complete protein.  We haven't had much success in finding a good recipe that everybody loves.  So I did a bit of research and found two.  The other day I tired one of them.

Mise en place
First I sauteed the onion, garlic, celery, and bell pepper until it was soft.
Then I added red beans, tomato sauce, Worcestershire, red pepper, salt, and pepper.
Let that simmer for a while until it was heated thoroughly and it was done.

It turned out almost like a red bean soup because of the tomato sauce.  It was good though, served over rice.
Not much to look at but it was good!

Currently Listening
Finger Painting EP
by The Ember Days

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