Saturday, June 11, 2011

Pizza 6-10-11

Last night I made pizza for dinner.  Haven't made that in a while.

Made the dough.  Put the yeast and sugar in warm water for 5 minutes.
Added the flour.
I seem to have a problem with making the dough too stiff all the time.  So this time I added the last bit of the flour slowly.  It's good when it starts to clean the edges of the bowl, so they tell me.  I think it turned out pretty good.
Put the dough in the fridge while I made the sausage.  We don't use real sausage in this house.  We use ground turkey with a special spice blend.  Tastes almost exactly like real sausage, and it's cheaper.  You can't have the spice blend recipe.  It's a secret.
Looks gross, but it's so good after it's cooked.
The dough turned out quite well.  I spread them out on pizza trays.
Mom helped with the toppings.  We made 2 supreme of sorts.  The first one was pizza sauce, pepperoni, mushroom, onion, banana pepper, and freshly grated mozzarella cheese.  The second was pizza sauce, pepperoni, mushroom, shredded kale, and freshly grated mozzarella.
Yes, I said kale.  Mom went out in the garden to get onions and brought in some kale.  She said it smelled so good.  Wondered what it would be like on pizza.  I'm not afraid of trying new stuff, so we chopped some up and used it.

The baked pizzas.
The one with kale.
The other one.
They were good.  Very good.  I'm not bragging, well maybe a little, but other people thought they were very good as well.  Freshly grated mozzarella does the trick I guess.  Oh, and kale.  The one without kale was good.  The one with kale was amazing.  I think we found a great new pizza topping.

Currently Listening
The Medicine
by John Mark McMillan

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