Sunday, May 1, 2011

Restaurant Review - Okra's Louisiana Bistro. Manassas, VA

I have been wanting to eat at Okra's for a long time.  Just never got around to it.  Janina's boyfriend is down for the weekend, so Friday evening after I got off from work we went to Okra's.  Got there around 7:15pm or so.  It seemed to be pretty busy.  The bar dining area was almost full of people.  Didn't get a chance to look at the other dining area, but I assume it was pretty full too.  People kept coming in and were being seated back there.  Anyway, so I was thinking, surely this must be a good place...people are packing it.  I got an appetizer of Alligator Bites.  Yes, alligator.  The menu says it is "Cajun spiced alligator sirloin, lightly breaded, fried, and served with Okra's remoulade."  It was amazing!  The breading was much good, and their remoulade sauce was the best that I have ever tasted.  For an entree I was debating between the tradition New Orleans' dish Shrimp and Grits or the Voodoo Chicken, which sounded amazing.  They were serving two specials that night, a NY Strip Steak, and some sort of chicken with shrimp.  I forget what it was called, but it sounded divine.  John was going to get the Voodoo Chicken, but at the last minute decided to go with the Chicken BLT sandwich.  Janina got the Cajun Burger.  Since nobody was ordering a special, I had to do it.  Got the NY Strip special.  It was grilled and served in a pond of some sort of beurre blanc sauce I think it was.  I forget what out waitress called the sauce, but it was much delicious.  It came with mashed potatoes and veggies.  Now I'm not really a steak guy.  Can't tell you the last time I had a steak.  This NY Strip was amazing.  I don't know what seasoning or basting sauce whatever they put on it, but it was yummers.  Then for dessert they showed us the dessert platter.  Side note, I like when restaurants do that.  So I got the Butterfingers Cheesecake.  It was good.  Could have maybe tasted a bit more like Butterfingers and it would have been better, but it was good nonetheless.

All in all, great place.  I will go back.  The service was good right up until the end.  I'm kind of quick to let that go though because I work in a restaurant and I know how it can go.  A lot of people were coming as we were finishing up, and the very chatty couple beside us were engaging out waitress in a very lengthy discussion about who knows what.  Anyway, that did not distract me from the amazing food that I had just eaten.  It was a Friday evening after all, and they were busy.  Our waitress apologized for the wait, and all was good.

I went in sort of thinking I wasn't going to spend a lot of money.  Then I told myself, "Self, you don't go out to each much.  You must make this a good occasion."  So I did.  With ordering an app, entree, and dessert, my bill was just under $30.  Not too bad I guess.

Check out their website and become very good friends with this excellent restaurant.

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