Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My beef with XS Energy Drink and MonaVie

So I know a few people who sell XS Energy Drink and MonaVie.  Let me tell you why I never got in on that stuff..

For one thing, XS is only 8.4 ounces.  You drink it in like 2 or 3 sips.  When I want an energy drink I want to drink it for a while.  Not just a minute or two.  They say XS is only 8.4 ounces because that is all you need.  It's one serving.  The other energy drinks just fill you up and then let you down.

Oh, yea, and then there's that crash issue.  They say that XS will pick you up for like 4 hours and then you will not experience a crash.  Crash, crash, crash...blah!  I was feeling a little tired before I went to work tonight, so I went to 7-11 and got me a nice No Fear Energy Drink, which along with the original NOS, is my favorite.  It kept me going at work.  We were super slow but I wasn't tired.  I'm still not really tired.  I mean, I could go to sleep, but I did not experience a crash.

And then there's that other thing.  They say you should drink two XS a day.  Okay, who are you to tell me I should have 2 energy drinks a day?  I will drink an energy drink whenever I jolly well please to.  I don't want to drink two XS or two of any energy drink in one day.  I did that before and I couldn't sleep that night.  I know of somebody who is a big advocate for XS and he says that when he doesn't drink XS he can feel it.  He feels tired and such.  Okay, is that like an addiction now?  I don't want to be addicted to energy drinks.  Yes, I like them, but I'm not drinking them every single day.  I don't have to have them every single day.

Whenever somebody is trying to sell you XS, they never mention the caffeine content.  They say that XS is way better than Red Bull.  It has all these B vitamins and other stuff that it good for you.  They say XS is a healthy energy drink.  Let me direct you attention to the XS Wikipedia page,, where it says that "all of the XS Energy Drinks, except the caffeine-free flavors, have approximately 83 milligrams of caffeine. This is about 25% more than a one ounce shot of espresso. In contrast, a tall cup of Starbucks coffee contains approximately 225 mg of caffeine, while a 12 ounce can of Coca-Cola contains 34 mg of caffeine. XS drinks contains nearly the same amount of caffeine as market leader Red Bull."

And then there's that whole pyramid scheme thing and misleading advertising.  I don't even have the time to get into that.  I will just direct you to the MonaVie Wikipedia page.  MonaVie is similar to XS in that the companies are run the same way and a former distributor of Amway (the distributor of XS) has formed a partnership with MonaVie.  A very interesting read awaits you at

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You Alone
by Echoing Angels

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