Thursday, October 27, 2011

Stuffed Swiss Chard Leaves

I love stuffed grape leaves.  Nobody else in this family likes them, though.  We had Swiss chard in the garden that needed to be used.  Mom said she saw a recipe for Stuffed Swiss Chard Leaves.  I had to make it.

For the stuffing I used a large onion, a bell pepper, mushrooms, and chopped walnuts.
Diced the onion and sauteed it.
Added the diced bell pepper and sauteed it some more.
Then added the mushrooms, walnuts, and a cup of rice and took it off the heat.
Yep, it looks weird. No worries. It will turn out good.
I cut the hard stem out of the chard,
and boiled them in water for several minutes to wilt them just a bit.

Then I took some of the stuffing and rolled it up in the leaves.
It's like a big, fat cigar.
Actually I just did this one and them Mom finished blanching the leaves and stuffing them because I had to go to work.  When it was time to cook them she poured pizza sauce over them and baked them.  Ate it over rice.  I had some when I got home.  Much good.  Even Janina, who hates the stuffed grape leaves that I made before, said she likes them.  Goodie!
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The Mongoose Chases Victory
by Aembience

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