Monday, August 8, 2011

Burgers and Fries

Tonight for dinner I made burgers and oven fries.  More home grilling.  Yay!

I used small potatoes for the oven fries.
Cut them all up and let them soak in water for a while.
Then I formed the burgers.  Made them real flat, like you are supposed to.  They look better and are just all around better when cooked.  Not so puffed up.
For the fry seasoning I used Herbamare (a sort of seasoning salt), paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, and oil.
Lots of fries.  We love oven fries.
Then I grilled the burgers.  It didn't take very long, because they were flattened out good, like they are supposed to be.
I toasted the buns a little bit in the oven.  Nobody likes a soggy burger bun.  Wait, that is kinda what Five Guys is famous for.  Oh well.  This is not Five Guys.  This is Chef Andrew's burgers.
Tryphena made sweet tea and corn fritters.

Num num!  Wish we would have had lettuce.  It was good without, though.  Tomatoes from the garden made them much yum.

For my second burger, I put a corn fritter under the burger.  Hahaha!  Don't make fun.  It was good.
I think I made too many fries.  We only ate about half of them.  Oh well.  More for later.

Currently Listening
Pacific Coast Eyes
by Graham Colton

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