Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Spicy Pickled Red Beet Eggs / Deviled Eggs

The other day I pickled some eggs.  I pickled them in red beet juice with some vinegar, sugar, and ground hot peppers.  So they were spicy pickled red beet eggs.  They turned a nice pink color after 2 days.  Then last night I made deviled eggs with them.  I mixed the yolk with mayonnaise, lemon pepper, Herbamare, and Italian seasonings.  They were good.  Even my two sisters loved them, and they were saying that they don't like deviled eggs. I don't mean to brag but I think they were the best deviled eggs that I ever ate.  Now my next mission is to make regular hard boiled eggs and devil them.  I want to find out if the pickling made them extraordinarily good, or if it was the filling that I made on the fly.

The pickled eggs with the red beets
The scrumptious deviled eggs
Currently Listening
Finish What You Start
by Woodale

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Baked Mac and Cheese

A couple hours ago I asked Mom what was to make for dinner.  She said pigeons.  My cousin shot some pigeons yesterday, Dad cleaned them, then Mom cooked them in the crock pot.  However, we needed something else to go with the pigeons.  Mom suggested baked mac and cheese.  So this was my second try at making baked mac and cheese.  It turned out a little better than the other try. I used a different recipe.  It said to used a pound of cheese and 8 oz of cream cheese.  That's a lot of cheese.  I doubled the recipe so it was a pound of cream cheese and 2 pounds of cheese.  It said to used white cheddar, which I didn't have.  I was thinking about using Velveeta, but that would have used the whole box.  That's a lot of cheese.  So I used a mix of Jackby, Jack Derby, Colby, and American cheese.  It tasted okay.  However, the cheese was a bit curdled or something.  Maybe all the different cheeses I used did not melt properly.  So next time I make this recipe I will either use all cheddar or all Velveeta.  However, I have now found another recipe that looks good, so I will make that recipe next and then maybe try this again later on.

The baked mac and cheese
Mom sliced cabbage. I made cole slaw.

The pigeon breasts.
Currently Listening
Ska Lives Vol. 1

Friday, November 19, 2010

Pickled Beef Heart

Last Thursday I made pickled beef heart.  Well, I actually got it started pickling last Thursday.  I boiled the heart in salt water for 3 hours then trimmed the fat and gooky stuff.  Then I placed it in a solution of water, sugar, dry mustard, onion, pickling spice, some salt and pepper, and let it pickle in the fridge for a week.  Today I sliced it up and tasted it.  It's pretty good.  A bit salty, but very good.  I then made a sandwich with it.  Yummers!

Currently Listening
The Radio Sky
by The Radio Sky

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Meat Chili

Yesterday I made chili.  Now, the chili I grew up eating is good, but it's kinda juicy.  I like my chili thick, almost stew-like.  So I kinda came up with my own recipe.  I found a basic recipe for chili and then tweaked it to my liking.  It's good.  Real good.  It's now a secret, so don't ask for the recipe.  I also made cornbread.  I love cornbread, and chili.

Currently Listening
The Fiancée
by The Chariot

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Beef Tongue

So last night after we got home from church my neighbor/cousin Jerry was coming out of the house and said that he dropped off some goodies for us.  The goodies turned out to be a lot of beef liver, a heart, and a tongue.  So last night I cooked the tongue in the crock pot.  Covered it with water, added salt, a bit of sugar, lots of fresh garlic, onion, and some carrot.  I let it cook on low for at least 12 hours.  A bit ago I took it out of the crock pot, took the skin off, and sliced it.  Man, it is good.  Very good.  Now I need to make a sandwich out of it.  Beef tongue burrito or something.

Currently Listening
I Stole the Morning Sun
by Andy Zipf


Joyce St John said...
ooowwww that looks good.Did the rest of the family like it?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Beef Stew

I love the fall/winter time.  Besides the fact that the weather is cooler, I like the food that fall/winter brings.  Soups and stews and such are good any time of the year, but especially good this time of year.  I made beef stew tonight for dinner.  Served it over mashed potatoes.  It was quite good.   I used a recipe from my mom's collection.  It said for the thickening to use tapioca instead of flour or cornstarch like other stews usually call for.  It looked a bit interesting because you could see the tapioca in the stew, but it was very good.

Currently Listening
Fluorescent Youth
by Conditions


Joyce St John said...
Looks yummy but where's the recipe?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Moo Goo Gai Pan

Sometimes when I would look through my mom's recipe collection, I would see this thing called Moo Goo Gai Pan.  I always kinds wanted to make it, but we never had all the stuff for it.  Mom never made it either, but had been wanting to. So today Janina went and got the ingredients that I needed, and I made it tonight.  Moo Goo Gai Pan...it is an Americanized version of the Cantonese chicken and mushroom stir-fry dish, Ma Gu Gai Pin.  It's rather good.  I made rice and Mom helped make a salad.  I also made two salad dressing, Ranch and Thousand Island.

Currently Listening
by Skillet

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Chicken, Sausage, and Shrimp Gumbo

We make a mean chicken and sausage gumbo at the Bistro.  I figured I would try my hand at gumbo here at the house.  Because I had to work tonight, I made the gumbo last night.  It was a chicken, sausage, and shrimp gumbo.  Mom was then supposed to make rice and cornbread tonight to go with it.  She made the cornbread, but forgot the rice.  Oh well.  It was good without it.

There is really nothing to look at in this picture.  It's just a bowl of gumbo with a slice of cornbread.  It was quite good, though.

Currently Listening
Losing at Life
by Classic Case