Thursday, September 23, 2010

Pizza Casserole

There is nothing really glamorous about pizza casserole.  It's just a casserole, but it tastes so good.  Mom was making applesauce yesterday, so I didn't want to make anything that took a long time.  So I made pizza casserole.  I didn't really follow the recipe.  I didn't have enough pepperoni, so I used some turkey bacon and pepperoni.  I didn't have enough sausage, so I used some cooked chicken and sausage.  I used bow pasta and elbow macaroni instead of just elbow macaroni.  It made the casserole different.  It looked a bit different, but it tasted pretty good.  It  was a tad bit spicy, because I used Mom's habanero pizza sauce.  Habanero pizza sauce, yea.  That's another story for another time.

It tasted a lot better than it looks.
Currently Listening
by Luna Halo

Monday, September 20, 2010

Beef Enchiladas

I love enchiladas.  So yummy.  I made beef enchiladas tonight for dinner.  I was going to make Crock-Pot Enchiladas but didn't have time to let them slow cook, so I cooked them in the oven instead.  I didn't have enough flour tortillas so I used some corn tortillas as well.  It would have been tricky to try and roll up the small corn tortillas so instead I just put everything in a baking dish and cooked them, then scooped them out with a spoon.  Mom made rice.  I made a salad and Janina made croutons for it.  She didn't make them the right way though.  Now croutons are supposed to be small, cubed, crispy pieces of bread.  Janina likes her croutons soft.  She loads them with butter and Ranch seasonings and then bakes them for a short amount of time.  They taste okay, because of all the butter, but they are not crispy like croutons should be.  The problem is, when you let them sit overnight they become stale.  Then they are horrible.  Anyway, that was my rant on soggy croutons.  Time for pictures.

The salad, minus croutons.  I let people put croutons on their own salad if they wanted them.
The enchiladas
The plate of food
Currently Listening
Happy Birthday Denison (It's my party. I can sing if I want to.)
by Denison Witmer

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Authentic Cincinnati Chili

I made Cincinnati Chili for dinner tonight.  I actually made it last night because that is the traditional Cincinnati way to do it.  I boiled the ground meat in water for half an hour, then added the other ingredients and simmered it for three hours or so.  Then tonight I skimmed the layer of fat off the top and reheated it.  I also cooked up some spaghetti, because you have to eat this chili over spaghetti.  Now there are five official ways to eat this chili, as mentioned on the Wikipedia page.

  • two-way: spaghetti and chili
  • three-way: spaghetti, chili, and shredded cheese
  • four-way: spaghetti, chili, shredded cheese, and either diced onions or beans
  • five-way: spaghetti, chili, shredded cheese, diced onions, and beans
I kicked it up a notch and served it six-way: spaghetti, chili, shredded cheese, diced onions, beans, and sour cream.  It is different than most chili that people are familiar to, but it's good.  I like it.

I also made cornbread muffins.  We didn't have normal cornmeal.  We had roasted cornmeal, so the muffins looked and tasted different than normal, but they were good.  Different can be good.  Different is good.
The cornbread muffins
The food ready to be assembled on the plates

The finished plate

Currently Listening
26 Letters
by Ben Glover

Cream Cheese Danish 2.0

Yesterday I made Cream Cheese Danish again.  I followed the recipe this time and used canned crescent rolls for the dough.  I also sprinkled slivered almonds on the top like the recipe said.  Last time I didn't have almonds and used chopped walnuts.  It turned out quite good.  Tryphena can't stop eating it.

Currently Listening
by A Cadence of Sorts

Monday, September 13, 2010

Caramel Apple Bread Pudding

The other day I made bread pudding. A caramel apple bread pudding.  I also made a caramel sauce to drizzle on top.  It was tasty.  Now I need to make that cheese danish.  I might make it tonight.

It doesn't look so great, but it was very good.
Currently Listening
by The Appleseed Cast

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


The nice thing about haystacks is you can assemble them with pretty much whatever you want and they will be good, as long as you use the basics: chips, rice, meat, lettuce and cheese.  For the haystacks tonight I used rice, chips, cheese sauce, lettuce, banana pepper rings, salsa, and a meat sauce which consisted of meat, kidney beans, onion, tomato sauce, and seasonings.  Now everybody has their own way of assembling them, but my way is the best.  Yes, it is.  Don't argue with me.  First comes the plate, then rice, crumbled tortilla chips, meat sauce, lettuce, salsa, cheese sauce, and a few banana pepper rings on top.  It was good.  Quite good.

Currently Listening
Tonight the Stars Speak
by The Glorious Unseen

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ozark Pudding

Ozark Pudding.  It's like a fruit and nut custard.  I used apples and walnuts.  Click here for a recipe that is very similar to what I used.  It doesn't look so hot when it comes out of the oven, but it is good.  It's even better eaten with ice cream.

Currently Listening
Secret in This Town
by Mark Mathis