Friday, December 24, 2010


We have somewhat of a tradition going on in the Schrock household.  Every Christmas eve we have a special soup and bread for dinner.  Tonight we had Minestrone.  Because I had to work this morning, I made it last night.  I was also going to make Brioche but didn't have time because we are so busy at the Bistro lately.  So Mom was going to make it, but then she didn't have time.  If you know anything about making Brioche, it is a long process.  The end result is very, very good though.  So instead of Brioche we had cornbread rolls that Mom made.  I am going to finish the Brioche tomorrow and then we will have it with our Christmas dinner.  We also had Caesar salad tonight.  I looked online for recipes that don't call for eggs or anchovies, because we didn't have any anchovies and because I didn't want to use raw eggs.  It turned out pretty good.  I like it.  Homemade croutons to top it off are good too.

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